Aaron Lebold / Extreme Horror / Horror Fiction


By Aaron Lebold


In the early stages of a global pandemic, an alcoholic author is losing everything. Dealing with the changes in society and coping with his feelings of inadequacy, his sanity is hanging on by a thread. After his wife suffers a terrible accident, he begins to see things in a new light. His relationship becomes his priority, but the past has returned to haunt him. He will do just about anything to keep moving forward. But is he the victim of a conspiracy? Or has he lost his mind?



Quarantine by Aaron Lebold is an extreme psychological horror read that takes place during the early days of the Covid-19 lockdown, but isolation is but one facet of the horrors on the pages.

Lebold’s true-to-life depiction of the main character’s struggle with addiction will chill you to your bones, and the horrors that spiral out from his spiral downward are impactfully, gasp-out-loud shocking. This is a very compelling read, but honestly, I was as concerned about what might happen next as I was intently curious. “Concerned?” Yes, the story and main character are disturbingly evocative.

Aaron Lebold’s stories never fail to impress—the social relevance, the skillful wordsmithing, the engaging storylines—and Quarantine is no exception. There is a whole lot of what-if realism among the gut-twisting suspense and brutality. This incredible story will haunt you for days.


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About the Author: Aaron Lebold

Aaron Lebold is an author of psychological horror, sometimes dabbling in extreme elements. His love of the genre began at an early age with all the best slasher films. Writing has always been something of interest but he didn’t make any serious attempts at it until 2017. Since that time he has completed several novels and novellas. His short stories can be found in various anthologies by various publishers. Some of his short stories have been narrated for the Cryo-Pod Podcast. His novel “Born Sick” took second place at the Godless 666 awards for best novel of 2022.


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