Candace Nola / Horror Fiction / Supernatural Horror

Shadow Manor

By Candace Nola



A stranded young woman seeking shelter from a violent storm discovers a journal written by the former lady of the manor. As the storm rages around her, something more than shadows shakes the girl to her core.

Will she be able to solve the mystery of the manor before time runs out?



Shadow Manor by Candace Nola is a vivid and haunting modern-Gothic ghost story. Nola uses classic elements in clear homage to the vintage greats to create and atmospheric and flowing tale of quiet but impactful horror.

I was quite taken also with the  moving subtext. I won’t spoil it by saying more, but it really spoke to me.

I read Shadow Manor in one sitting. The suspense and mystery kept me turning page after page until the most satisfying ending. This is an excellent story and a great read for a dark and rainy night, but definitely from the safety of your own home or you may well be jumping at shadows.


Get it on Amazon:


About the Author: Candace Nola

Candace Nola is an award-winning Pittsburgh author, editor, and reviewer. She is the creator of, which hosts her own work but focuses primarily on promoting other indie authors in the industry with weekly book reviews, interviews, and special features. Uncomfortably Dark Horror stands behind its mission to bring you the best in horror, one uncomfortably dark page at a time!

You can find her on Twitter, Instagram, Tik Tok and Facebook as well as her website,


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