Bizarro Horror / Extreme Horror


Lee Rozelle


backwaters1aWelcome to Tallapoochee, a Southern backwater plagued by an experimental toxin that’s turning townsfolk into genetically modified freaks. Follow a puzzling trail of atrocities committed by an enigmatic river cult. Delve into thrilling tales of body horror, bizarro, and the weird. Read the unthinkable testimonies of the living and the dead.

This “water-breaking” collection of twelve intertwined stories combines body horror and Southern Gothic humor in a clash between a cabal of dark scientists and gospel-preaching wrestlers with a secret past. In turns terrifying and bizarre, Lee Rozelle’s new fiction is a shocking journey into murky medicine, conspiracy, and the horrors of watershed destruction.



I don’t know how many times this book made me exclaim out loud, but it was a lot. Backwaters by Lee Rozelle is comprised of 12 grisly, twisted, and uncomfortably riveting interconnected tales of the bizarre things going down in the backwater of Tallapoochee. And it’s just so wonderfully messed up.

The fun and brilliant thing about this collection is with how it is put together, it reads like one story with separate perspective chapters. The final novella is even set up like an epilogue. So you really get a whole story. I loved that.

The chapter stories range from gruesome to bizarro, interspersed with irreverently dark humor, evocative horrors, and several WTF-did-I-just-read moments. And just when you think it can’t get any more shocking and bizarre, it all comes together brilliantly. Yes, there is a payoff! A good one.

I cannot recommend Backwaters enough, it’s an excellent read, but fans of Bizarro and Extreme Horror only, please.


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About the Author: Lee Rozelle

Lee Rozelle is the author of novel BALLAD OF JASMINE WILLS and nonfiction books ZOMBIESCAPES & PHANTOM ZONES and ECOSUBLIME. He has published short stories in COSMIC HORROR MONTHLY, SOUTHERN HUMANITIES REVIEW, HellBound Books’ ANTHOLOGY OF BIZARRO, Dark Ink Books’ SHADOWY NATURES, IF I DIE BEFORE I WAKE vol. 3, and the SCARE YOU TO SLEEP podcast. Learn more at


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